Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Yipee!  This is my first post.  I am taking a social media class to work on my marketing certificate through the University of California at Riverside.  After this class is finished I hope to be able to add my NEW social media skills to my repetoire - - bringing me into the current century!  Ha, ha!

Social Media is the exchange and sharing of news, information, ideas, thoughts, photos, videos and much more across multiple "social" networks or platforms.  Social networks are now more important than ever as consumers look to one another as the authority on companies and their products.

As a marketer I do know that the consumer now has a much more powerful voice than ever before and I need to learn to tap into and access this amazing marketing tool!


  1. Glad to see you, and wish that you can learn a lot in social media marketing class! Good luck~

    1. Mingyang, thank you so much. As you can see there is much that I need to learn!
